Home Metaverse The Web is the Metaverse

The Web is the Metaverse

The Web is the Metaverse

Source: news.google.com

What if the web was multi-user and 3D? Hint: It would be the Metaverse. The Metaverse will happen much faster than everyone thinks as it gains ground through the 3D worlds on traditional websites. Millions of virtual 3D worlds and spaces integrated into the web in an interoperable manner with existing sites will collectively form a significant portion of the larger interoperable Metaverse. No one is going to scrap their current website and create a new one that is multi-user and immersive, but the parts of the site that benefit the most will evolve in those directions very quickly. The Metaverse is an evolution… the next generation of the Web… not a Revolution.

John Payne (002).jpg

John Payne, CEO of Croquet

Metaverse grows fast without VR

One of the most limiting factors (beyond the bad graphics) for…

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