Source: www.ledgerinsights.com
Will Wright, designer of The Simsand founder of gallium studieshas been associated with gala games in a new metaverse company, VOXverse. This week, Wright shared a glimpse into the world of VOXverse, detailing information on multiple aspects of the cube worlds. The game also recently partnered with the Dreamverse.
In a YouTube video, Wright explores some of the themes, player-led economic systems, and multidimensional social networks that would be integral to the game. play. While Wright described the importance of the “stuff,” “money,” and “time” segments of the economy, he also emphasized the role of social relationships within the game, loosely mimicking the concept that was popular in The Sims. The worlds are said to be almost entirely player-built, with the ability to possess storylines.
An important aspect of VOXverse is that it would not be exclusive only to Vox holders, but also free, expanding access to casual players. VOXverse looks set to compete with The Sandbox metaverse,
with similar features, including ownership, voxel models to build, and games within the metaverse.
The entire effort has seen an investment of over $25 million funded by blockchain developer Gala Games. Earlier this year, Gala also announced her deal with game engine company Unity to support the development of the metaverse. This week also saw Gala team up with Upland, a city-building metaverse in a step toward metaverse interoperability.
Wright’s announcement also highlighted that the metaverse would contain characters in the form of digital collectibles, or VOXs, from different universes, including AMC’s DreamWorks Trolls and The Walking Dead, each with 8,888 collectible NFTs. Meanwhile, Gala Games’ coin market cap is currently valued at $254 million, down from a high of $5.4 billion last November.
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