Home Metaverse People V Platform: Does your brand really need to be in the metaverse?

People V Platform: Does your brand really need to be in the metaverse?

People V Platform: Does your brand really need to be in the metaverse?

Source: news.google.com

It’s apparently hard for brands to resist the allure of the metaverse, but is it for everyone? DRPG’s Callum Gill reveals the complexity of marketing on the platform.

‘We want to do something in the metaverse’ is a common request from clients these days. But it’s just as useful as saying ‘we want to do something on the Internet’.

The question that must be answered when doing this is why? With what can only be described as a tech gold rush, the last few years have seen a jolt by vendors and communicators to be on the latest platform, without even really understanding why; they are fueled by buzzwords and FOMO. The reality is that it is an infallible recipe to spend money and chase shadows.

People are more predictable than platforms

Why should you focus on…

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