Home Metaverse Jurisdiction and Torts in the Metaverse

Jurisdiction and Torts in the Metaverse

Jurisdiction and Torts in the Metaverse

Source: www.lexology.com

If someone attends a pop concert in the metaverse from their home in the UK, where the metaverse is hosted on a server in South Korea, the artist sings from their home in the US and tickets are sold by a promoter based in Canada. it is difficult to determine where the concert is taking place and which court or courts may have jurisdiction over claims for losses arising in connection with that concert.

In the ninth article in our series, we explore how courts might approach this question of identifying an appropriate jurisdiction for litigation arising from the metaverse.

cross border litigation

When someone believes their rights have been violated and wants to assert those rights or seek some type of remedy to compensate for their losses or injuries,…

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