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How the metaverse can drive business development

How the metaverse can drive business development

Source: news.google.com

On September 30, Charles Onstott and I held a capture meeting at CALIBER Systems. It wasn’t like our other capture meetings because we held it in the metaverse. CALIBER’s CTO, Charles Onstott, worked with me, a Business Capture and Development Director, and other participants to schedule our meeting in the Horizon workrooms in Meta. We were excited to see what all the fuss was about. Speaking anecdotally with colleagues in the government contracting industry, I heard that this was the first time a capture meeting had been held in the metaverse.

Charles and I have mixed opinions about the metaverse. In some ways, it seems like the most hyped tech of the year. In other ways, we can already see some direct applications and we can see some of the potential of…

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