Our healthcare providers are among the most highly trained in the country, and they’re passionate about improving and protecting the long-term health of Bronx communities. We provide essential inpatient, outpatient, and home-based services to more than one million New Yorkers every year in more than 70 locations across the city’s five boroughs. Use the important components in web applicationswhich are Client Site Technology, Server SiteTechnology, Database Server and Web Server. Differentiate types of media, network topology,network technologies and signal data transmissions. Differentiate the concept of functional computercomponents and the detail interactions in computersystems.
- As the increase in Equality Leadersindicates, facilities are engagingwith the HEI more intensively eachyear, seeking to learn about LGBTpatient-centered care in greaterdepth.
- Graduatesof this course are able to contribute their expertise and skills to the education and entertainment industry such as game-based educationand game content development.
- Besides, some applications of AIincluding game playing, expert systems and machine learningwill be introduced.References1.2.
- (2012) Database Administration – TheComplete Guide to Practices and Procedures SecondEdition.
- Some transgender people may not identify as transgender, but only as male or female.In these cases, sex assigned at birth can indicate that the individual is transgender, which allows providers tooffer the full range of care – such as anatomically appropriate preventive screenings – that meets the individual’sneeds.
- SynopsisIn this course students will take up the roles, issues andresponsibilities as database administrator.
The students will beintroduced to the process of designing, developing andexecuting database applications. This course focuses on practicalskills to create, control and execute SQL statement.References1. This course is preparing the students with the knowledge aboutconcepts and user interface design techniques. Students will beexposed to the user interface design processes forinteractive information system.
- Solve problems online game engine design by following webgame development programming techniques that meetindustry specifications.3.
- Describe various techniques in neural network.Apply suitable neural networks techniques to solve neuralnetwork problems.Develop computer programs based on fundamental methodof neural network for problem solving.
- It will focus on theprocess of designing testing plan, test requirements and testcases to satisfy the quality of a software product.
- Students can use the studios or recording room through theirlecturer or Assistant Engineer in duty.
- SynopsisThe course exposes the students to the development of mobileapplication development focusing on Android.
- The HRC Foundation looksforward to welcoming them to the HEIin future years – and helping themextend a warm welcome to LGBTAmericans.
- Show understanding and explaining the concepts ofgame theory in solving computer problems.
Topics coverprotection techniques for the entire facility, from the outsideperimeter to the inside office space, including all of theinformation system resources. These focus on the methods ofrecognition, anticipation, selection, and design of securitytechnologies as well as examining the principles and applicationsof security systems.References1.2.3. Determine the basic concepts, elements and uses of LocalArea Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN).2.
Explain the principles and techniques used inimplementing a computer architecture andorganization concept. Recognize and correct common routing issues and problems.Students complete a basic procedural lab, followed by basicconfiguration, implementation, and troubleshooting labs ineach chapter.References1. Relate and integrate the components that involved inproducing a 2D/3D application game which consists ofvarious genres.
3rd ed., CengageLearning.ISTQB (2011) ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation LevelSyllabus. FACULTY VISIONTo become creative, innovative and world class centre of excellence in the field education, research and services of Information andCommunication Technology. And Puerto Rico, or a part of the largest hospitals within a 25-mileradius of the 50 largest LGBT metropolitan areas. CommunityEngagementHEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS CAN EXTEND A WELCOME TO LGBT PEOPLE in their service area byreaching out to them via regular community engagement initiatives like those recommended in this section.
Why is it called Bronx, Lebanon?
BronxCare Health System, renamed in 2017 from Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, which was formed via the merger of Bronx Hospital and Lebanon Hospital on October 8, 1962.
Professionals & Students
Mount Sinai Beth Israel’sLGBT Health Services program implements a number of best practices in LGBTpatient services and support such as offering information, referral and patientnavigation for LGBT patients and consumers and providing professional education andtraining for providers in LGBT health care topics. More than 50 online and on-demand training optionsincluding both interactive eLearning courses and recordedwebinars were made available free of charge to staff of HEIparticipating facilities. Topics ranged from the basics of LGBTPatient-Centered Care to more specialized topics for cliniciansand all offered CME/CEU credit. In addition, with pre-approval,participating facilities were able to receive ongoing trainingcredit for their own course(s) on LGBT culturally competent careand/or specific LGBT health topics. This criterion recognizes the fact thattraining is critical for policies to be successful and for trulyLGBT-welcoming care to occur. Training programs should offerall incoming and current staff the information and skills theyneed to provide culturally competent care and services to theirLGBT patients.The HEI training requirements vary by facility and aredetermined by whether or not the facility has previously met theHEI training requirement.
Student will alsoexpose related 2D game development such as 2D/3D graphicintegration and content development. At the end of the course,student will be able to develop simple 2D/3D game based onthe specified game genre. SynopsisThis subject introduces the basic concept of softwareengineering to the student. It covers all the softwaredevelopment process which includes analysis, requirement,design, implementation and testing. This subject also coverssupport areas such as project management and qualitymanagement.
Your hospital for expert specialty care in the Bronx
The basic concept in structure, class, array andpointer is discussed in order to understand the fundamental ofdata structures and algorithms. The course will focus on http intranet blhc datastructures such as list, stack, queue, tree, searching and hashwhile sorting, graph and heaps topics will concentrate on thealgorithms. Pseudo code and C++ programming language will beused for algorithm implementation.
Located on the northern tip of Manhattan, NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital is one of the seven hospitals that comprise NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, one of the nation’s leading academic medical centers. We serve northern Manhattan, including the Washington Heights and Inwood neighborhoods, as well as Riverdale and the Bronx. Services are available in Spanish for our Spanish-speaking patients and their families. This subject provides students with the knowledge and skills thatare needed to effectively maintain Workstation resources,monitor Workstation performance, and safeguard data on acomputer running one of the operating systems in theMicrosoft® Windows.
CAREER PROSPECTSOur aim is to give produce highly knowledgeable and skillful graduates in the field of multimedia. They will have the opportunities to startcareers such as Web designer or developer, computer games designer, computer graphics designer, animator, digital audio video engineer,user interface designer, interactive media application developer and multimedia consultant. On the other hand, the graduates may alsochoose career based on their basic knowledge in Computer Science and ICT such as programmer and information system officer or systemanalyst. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONComputer System and Communication is a sub field of computer and telecommunication. The Internet is created based on communicationsystems that produce a complex computer networks which is built for in-home LAN, LANs, MANs, WANs, mobile networks and massiveglobal Internet in order to share information and having a human conversation with one another. Due to the necessity of computernetworks towards the use of Internet in daily activities, bachelor of computer networking and bachelor of computer security areintroduced and act as the major bachelor programmes offered by Department of Computer System and Communication, to fulfil thenation’s need.
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According tobusinesses’ reporting to the HRC Foundation, making these benefits accessible comes at a negligible cost tothe employers’ overall health insurance plans. This holds true across industries.Hospitals lag well behind their corporate counterparts when it comes to providing this important and necessarybenefit. 60% (or 511 out of 851) of the nation’s largest businesses that were rated in the Corporate EqualityIndex (CEI) offer this coverage. Recommended the routine collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data in healthcare settings.
47% of respondents who make providers knownindicated that they do so via a list for internal use, 41% list these providers in the GLMA Provider Directory(at ), 34% do so via “tags” in an online “find a provider” system and 28% include them in alist that is posted externally. Participation in the Healthcare Equality Index is in ourgenetic makeup as we encourage all of our employeesto treat everyone as if they were members of their ownfamily. That means you don’t just get to see a doctor, you have 24/7 access to our pediatricians. We not only care for your children when they are sick, we help you keep them healthy with proper nutrition and exercise and, when necessary, helping you find services and resources in the community. Prepare multimedia applications by combiningelements of text, graphic, audio, video and animationaccording to current needs.
Explain the business organization components,environment, challenges and objectives of informationsystems (IS) investment.Use the Information System and strategic planningtools in planning process.Propose information systems strategically appropriatefor the business organization. This course covers the probability theory concept, informationtheory, complexity theory, number theory, abstract algebra andfinite fields to understand the ideas regarding the discrete logproblem, strength of an algorithm, information security,encryption, decryption, symmetric systems, symmetric systemsand cryptanalysis in cryptography. The symmetric andasymmetric cryptosystems and its cryptographical mathematicaltheory behind it are emphasized. Understand the concept of mobile applicationdevelopment.Differentiate the architecture of hybrid versus nativedevelopment.Develop a mobile application for a specificplatform/operating system. Explain the concepts of database administration.Apply functions of database administration.Analyze database performance.
SynopsisThis course focuses on the game’s graphics, physics, sound, andinput of artificial intelligent, networking and recognition levels.This course provides a comprehensive foundation in therelevant field of computer games, serving as a premier andprovides a context for special courses in final year. This courseprovide students with an introduction to the theory andpractice of video game programming. Students will be involvedin lab training sessions and also work together as a team for theawakening of the real game, designing and building their owngame works by using the existing game engine (eg OPENGL C++or Micosoft XNA or DirectX)References1. DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGYCOURSE LEARNING OUTCOMESThe Diploma in Information and Communication Technology programme deals with designing innovative methodologies and sophisticatedtools for developing software systems. Students are exposed to various techniques of analyzing user requirements and specifications, aswell as design and implementation of software systems. Some of the core courses include object-oriented programming, databasesystems, software engineering and introduction to multimedia.
How do I email the Bronx River Alliance?
You can send an email to the alliance at info@bronxriver.org , send a message with the form above or call us (718) 542- 4124.