Source: news.google.com
Metaverse, a place without limits, a place where you can give wings to your imagination. Companies like Meta, Apple, Nvidia, and more have already become pioneers in this space. Mark Zuckerberg has this vision of creating a metaverse for everyone. Brandi Veil, CMO of Avisa Games Guild (AGG), is another visionary who believes that web3, metaverse, P2E and other similar economies can revolutionize various aspects of human life.
He recently visited the land of mystery and diversity, India, to integrate these phenomenal concepts into the nation. The country is emerging as one of the most powerful economies in the world and Brandi chose the right time to strike the iron when it is hot. Being a spiritual person, her vocation pushed her to share this experience in different parts of the nation.
His visit to Visakhapatnam brought his love for children closer and his passion when he was introduced to Saraswati, the Indian goddess of creativity, learning and music. She knew that she was in the right place as she went along. Her interaction with the children allowed her to talk about Play-to-Earn economies. Not many are aware of concepts like blockchain, GameFi and more.
Their interaction lit up the children’s faces and triggered happiness after they realized what he was talking about. Her visit also helped her add the Create and Earn (C2E) aspect to her list that she shared about her during her next destination, Mumbai. She heard that it was difficult to get into Mumbai University. But Brandi’s aura worked wonders when the staff welcomed her to campus.

The students were fascinated by the fact that they can earn by working on assignments, that’s what C2E is all about. Brandi Veil was greatly appreciated for sharing valuable content with the people, from Dr. Davita Patel, Dr. Prasad Thakur, Dr. Sundar Rajdeep and Prof. Sagar Kanade.

Her work here isn’t done and Brandi won’t stop until everyone benefits from the Web3 economies. She wants to create a better and sustainable future for the little ones using these technologies. Technology can help people live prosperous, intelligent, and productive youth- and community-driven lives.

The implementation of NFTs and smart contracts can be innovative for students. It will allow children to own assets before past generations of humanity. This will be a definite boost to the country’s growth and has the potential to literally change the perception of wealth for generations to come.
This brings us to the question: what will happen after everything is automated and easy for humans? What will humans do after that? Do we lose our jobs? Will automation take the human touch out of everything? The answer is that after implementing all this, we will return to our creativity, imagination and innovation. In short, the implementation will not tear us apart, it will put us back where we belong, TO US.

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