Home Metaverse AI and Art are facing each different! Nonetheless, NFT and Metaverse endure

AI and Art are facing each different! Nonetheless, NFT and Metaverse endure

AI and Art are facing each different!  Nonetheless, NFT and Metaverse endure

Source: news.google.com

AI and art at Loggerheads

Although AI and art are at odds, NFT and Metaverse will surely find their sweet spot in the future.

The year 2022 has been quite a year for the art of AI. Nothing proves it more than the controversies and poise he received last year. It was the technology that moved the fastest, particularly in the second half. From generating images, albeit some distorted and meaningless, to making movies with few written prompts, it seemed as if it was about to remove humans from art and artistic pursuits. But what caused art critics to underestimate it is the fact that AI art was getting more than the required attention, so much so that one of the pieces’Theater D’Opera Espacial‘, received first prize at the Colarado State Fair. Adding to the furore, artists were copyrighting AI-generated art…

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