Home Metaverse Reverse the metaverse? Not likely as long as Zuckerberg has a dream…at all costs

Reverse the metaverse? Not likely as long as Zuckerberg has a dream…at all costs

Reverse the metaverse?  Not likely as long as Zuckerberg has a dream…at all costs

Source: news.google.com

The vision thing…

Our product trends look better from what I see than some of the comments I’ve seen suggest.

The self-confidence or self-delusion of Mark Zuckerberg as he bets the Meta farm on his pet Metaverse ambitions, which are sucking money out of the company for no apparent benefit other than pandering to the ego of a CEO whose iron grip on the company seems every less healthy?

Meta’s third-quarter results last week, with revenue down 4 percent year over year and operating income down 46 percent, wiped $65 billion from the company’s market capitalization. Some core business metrics remained positive: Facebook’s daily users increased by three percent, while the ‘Family of Apps’, including Instagram and WhatsApp, saw daily usage increase by four percent. Ad impressions look healthy at 17%…

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