Home Metaverse India enters the fashion world of the metaverse for the first time!

India enters the fashion world of the metaverse for the first time!

India enters the fashion world of the metaverse for the first time!

Source: www.analyticsinsight.net

India enters the fashion world of the metaverse for the first time!

by Sayantani Sanyal October 3, 2022

India enters the fashion of the metaverse

India enters the fashion metaverse with designer Shubhika Sharma as a pioneer

India enters the fashion of the metaverse! The idea behind digital fashion seems pretty strange to many of us, but this growing phenomenon has now become a niche market that has gained a lot of traction. Experts believe that this new metaverse concept is redefining the basic idea behind fashion and shopping! Recent reports say that clothing basically exists in the virtual world to make the fashion domain much more sustainable than it is today. There is also evidence that replacing physical clothing with digital clothing will improve the design and development cycles of the company, as well as reduce the carbon of the brand…

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