Home Metaverse CORTEXR launches XR and metaverse data analytics platform

CORTEXR launches XR and metaverse data analytics platform

CORTEXR launches XR and metaverse data analytics platform

Source: www.auganix.org

September 27, 2022 – BARKa provider of data analytics solutions, recently announced the launch of its new data analytics platform for the XR industry that aims to standardize measurement for augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the metaverse.

The platform essentially runs as a plugin for 3D engines and XR platforms and collects sensor data from phones and headsets with the platform’s intelligence engine that analyzes real-time spatial data in the cloud. Platform users (such as XR developers and their customers) can view data visualizations in pre-built dashboards to analyze performance, optimize content, and measure success.

Cognitive science and AI analyze 6DoF behaviors in 3D spatial experiences to measure attention, navigation, and…

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